Tax Withholding Estimator
Use this tool to estimate the federal income tax you want your employer to withhold from your paycheck. This is tax withholding.
See how your withholding affects your refund, take-home pay or tax due.
How it works
Use this tool to:
- Estimate your federal income tax withholding
- See how your refund, take-home pay or tax due are affected by withholding amount
- Choose an estimated withholding amount that works for you
Results are as accurate as the information you enter.
What you need
Have this ready:
- Paystubs for all jobs (spouse too)
- Other income info (side jobs, self-employment, investments, etc.)
- Most recent tax return
Your information isn't saved. Learn more about Security.
Don't use this tool if:
- You have nonresident alien status. Use Notice 1392, Supplemental Form W-4 Instructions for Nonresident Aliens.
- Your tax situation is complex. This includes alternative minimum tax. See Publication 505, Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax.
- When to Check Your Tax Withholding
- Why Check Your Tax Withholding
- About Tax Withholding
- Publication 505, Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax
Forms W-4
- Form W-4 Employee Withholding Certificate
- Form W-4P, Withholding Certificate for Pension or Annuity Payments
- Notice 1392, Supplement Form W-4 Instructions for Nonresident Aliens PDF
After you use the estimator
Use your estimate to change your tax withholding amount on Form W-4. Or keep the same amount.
To change your tax withholding amount:
- Enter your new tax withholding amount on Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Certificate
- Ask your employer if they use an automated system to submit Form W-4
- Submit or give Form W-4 to your employer
To keep your same tax withholding amount:
- You don't need to do anything at this time.
- Check your withholding again when needed and each year with the Estimator. This helps you make sure the amount withheld works for your circumstance.
When to check your withholding
Check your tax withholding every year, especially:
When you have a major life change
- New job or other paid work
- Major income change
- Marriage
- Child birth or adoption
- Home purchase
If you changed your tax withholding mid-year
- Check your tax withholding at year-end, and adjust as needed with a new W-4
If you have more questions about your withholding, ask your employer or tax advisor.
Why check your withholding
There are several reasons to check your withholding:
- It can protect against having too little tax withheld and facing an unexpected tax bill or penalty at tax time next year.
- It can let you adjust your tax withheld up front, so you receive a bigger paycheck and smaller refund at tax time.
The Tax Withholding Estimator doesn't ask for personal information such as your name, social security number, address or bank account numbers.
We don't save or record the information you enter in the estimator.
For details on how to protect yourself from scams, see Tax Scams/Consumer Alerts.