22 questions listed below address rabies and rabies vaccination laws/regulations. RESPONSES listed for each of the QUESTIONS within the FAQ section of this website have been validated by the State Public Health Authorities in the respective state.
Click on the question(s) below to reveal the state responses.
- Rabies vaccination is required for which species?
- Dogs only. Local jurisdictions (cities or counties) within California may require cats to be vaccinated against rabies. Despite no State-level rabies vaccination requirement for cats, there are regulations addressing cats that bite a human or are exposed to rabies, at which point their vaccination status is a factor in how it is handled. Ferrets are illegal in California and there are no specific rabies laws/regulations on them. However, the California Compendium on Rabies gives direction for ferrets, but always notes that they are illegal and if quarantined after biting a human or exposure to rabies, they are to be reported at the end of the quarantine. NOTE: The rabies requirements are for animals in “rabies areas” (not smaller than a county) as declared by the Director of the State Department of Health Services each year. [Title 17, CCR, §2606; and California Health and Safety Code, 121585] It should be noted also that “the Director has declared all 58 counties in California as ‘rabies areas’ every year since 1987.” [Investigation, Management, and Prevention of Animal Bites in California”, 3rd ed, April 2014, p 4] NOTE: “The governing body of each city, city and county, or county shall maintain or provide for the maintenance of a pound system and a rabies control program for the purpose of carrying out and enforcing this section.” [California Health and Safety Code, 121690(e)] Any city, county, or city and county may enact rabies requirements that are more stringent than the state laws and regulations. Veterinarians need to be aware of local requirements. [California Health and Safety Code, 121695] NOTE: When a State-level requirement for rabies vaccination is not in effect it is the veterinarian’s responsibility to know whether or not local jurisdictions (ie, either city or county) have rabies vaccination requirements in place. Even if rabies vaccination is NOT required at the State or local level, vaccination of all dogs/cats is strongly recommended.
- Who is legally authorized to administer a rabies vaccine?
- A California-licensed veterinarian can administer the rabies vaccine or can delegate the administration of the rabies vaccine, to either a Registered Veterinary Technician (RVT) or unregistered veterinary assistant.
- An RVT and/or an unregistered assistant can administer the rabies under either direct or indirect supervision of the California licensed veterinarian. The veterinarian may delegate supervision of the rabies vaccination administration to a California RVT, but, in that instance, when administering the rabies vaccination, an unregistered assistant MUST be working under the direct supervision of the California RVT. The levels of supervision are governed by the requirements of the California Code of Regulations, section 2034 through 2036.5
- For additional information regarding rabies requirements, contact the Dept of Health Services, Veterinary Public Health Unit.
- Animal rabies vaccines are restricted for sale to licensed veterinarians, biological supply companies, and government agencies that conduct rabies control programs. All animal rabies vaccines are restricted to use by, or under the supervision of, a California-licensed veterinarian. The level of supervision shall be consistent with Title 16, CCR, §2034-2036.5 of the California Veterinary Medicine Practice Act. The veterinarian who signs the certificate has legal responsibility for the proper administration of the vaccine. [California Compendium of Rabies Control and Prevention 2012, Part I.B.4.a]
- How long must a copy of the signed rabies certificate be maintained by the practice?
- Veterinarians are required to maintain rabies vaccination records on individual patients for a period of 3 years. [REF: Title 16, CCR, §2032.3 (record keeping) and 2030.3 (Small Animal Vaccination Clinic) of the California Veterinary Medicine Practice Act]
- What are the age requirements for rabies vaccination in California?
- MINIMUM Age: 3 months of age. [Title 17, CCR, §2606.4.b.2]
- MUST BE VACCINATED BY: 4 months of age
- Every dog owner, after his or her dog attains the age of four months, shall no less than once every two years secure a license for the dog as provided by ordinance of the responsible city, city and county, or county. License fees shall be fixed by the responsible city, city and county, or county, at an amount not to exceed limitations otherwise prescribed by state law or city, city and county, or county charter.
- Every dog owner, after his or her dog attains the age of three months or older, shall, at intervals of time not more often than once a year, as may be prescribed by the department, procure its vaccination by a licensed veterinarian with a 3-Year labeled canine anti-rabies vaccine approved by the department and administered according to the vaccine label.
- If a licensed veterinarian determines, on an annual basis, that a rabies vaccination would endanger the dog's life due to disease or other considerations that the veterinarian can verify and document. The responsible city, county, or city and county may specify the means by which the dog owner is required to provide proof of his or her dog's rabies vaccination, including, but not limited to, by electronic transmission or facsimile. (see FAQ #19).
- 28 days following administration of the initial dose of rabies vaccine. This applies regardless of the animal’s age at the time the initial dose is administered. Regardless of the age of the dog at the time the initial rabies vaccination is administered, a rabies booster should be given 1 year later, and thereafter, every 3 years. [California Compendium of RabiesControl and Prevention 2012, Part I.B.4.d; and, Title 17, CCR, §2606.4.b.3] NOTE: Only rabies vaccines approved by the California Department of Health are recognized. A list of approved vaccines is found at the end of the California Compendium of Rabies Control and Prevention, 2012.
- For dogs, only 3-Year rabies vaccine products are approved. A 1-year labeled rabies vaccine may NOT be used, even for the initial vaccination that must be revaccinated against rabies in one year. A 1-Year or 3-Year labeled rabies vaccine may be administered to cats, unless otherwise stipulated by local law/regulation.
- The term “currently vaccinated” is commonly used within the context of state laws affecting rabies vaccination and control. Within the US, an animal that is “currently vaccinated” must meet EACH of the following criteria. The animal must be vaccinated:
- . with a USDA licensed rabies vaccine approved by the California Dept of Health.
- . with a vaccine that is within the labeled expiration date.
- . by an individual who is authorized to administer rabies vaccine.
(NOTE: requirements vary significantly among states-see FAQ #2 for the requirement in this state).
- . at the appropriate age, interval, and dose (ie, the FULL dose, as stipulated on the manufacturer’s label, must be administered).
- NO. USDA licensed rabies vaccines available for administration to animals residing with the US are only 1-Year or 3-Year labeled vaccines. 4-YEAR labeled rabies vaccines have been discontinued and are no longer recognized in the US. In California, only 3-Year labeled rabies vaccine may be administered to a dog as THE INITIAL DOSE. A 1-year labeled rabies vaccine may NOT be used. Re-vaccination (booster) with a 3-Year labeled rabies vaccine is required within 1 year following the initial dose.
- Unless otherwise stipulated by local law/regulation, cats may be vaccinated with either a 1-Year or 3-Year labeled rabies vaccine. Regardless of the vaccine administered (1-Year or 3-Year labeled), in local jurisdictions that do require rabies vaccination of cat. A cat must be revaccinated within 1 year following the INITIAL rabies vaccine dose where required. RE-VACCINATION of DOGS: When re-vaccinating (booster) against rabies, a dog may ONLY be vaccinated with a California-approved 3-Year labeled rabies vaccine.
- REVACCINATION of CATS: Cats may be re-vaccinated with either a 1-Year or 3-Year labeled rabies vaccine. Subsequent vaccination is determined by the product label (1-Year or 3-Years). NOTE on FERRETS: Ferrets are illegal in California; there are no specific rabies laws/regulations concerning ferrets. However, the California Compendium of Rabies Control and Prevention, 2012 gives direction for ferrets, but always notes that they are illegal and if quarantined after biting a human or exposure to rabies, they are to be reported at the end of the quarantine. NOTE: Only rabies vaccines approved by the California Department of Health are recognized. A list of approved vaccines is found at the end of the California Compendium of Rabies Control and Prevention, 2012.
- For dogs, only 3-Year labeled rabies vaccine products are approved. A 1-year labeled rabies vaccine may NOT be used, even for the initial vaccination in dogs.
- Dogs over 4 months of age or older imported into California for any reason shall have a certificate issued by a licensed veterinarian that the dog has been vaccinated for rabies with a vaccine that has been approved by the California Department of Health with a duration of at least 36 months (ie, it must be an approved 3-Year labeled rabies vaccine). For dogs over 1 year old, the vaccination must have been administered within 30 months of importation, or within 12 months for dogs under 1 year of age. [Title 17, CCR, §2606.6 (Importation of Dogs)]
- In California, 1-year rabies vaccines are NOT recognized when vaccinating dogs. All rabies vaccinations for dogs, even the initial dose as a puppy, shall be with a vaccine labeled as a 3-Year rabies vaccine. [California Health and Safety Code, 121690] Rabies vaccination requirements for cats residing in California are determined by Health Officials within individual jurisdictions.
- When is an animal considered to be "overdue" for a rabies booster?
- An animal is considered “overdue”, and NOT currently vaccinated, if just one day beyond the labeled duration of the last rabies vaccine administered (1 year or 3 years). The exception to this rule is that an animal is considered “overdue” after just one year following the initial rabies vaccine dose, regardless of the vaccine labeling.
- A dog or cat that is overdue for a rabies vaccine is considered “immediately currently vaccinated” at the time the animal is re-vaccinated. This rule applies despite the time that has lapsed since administration of the previous dose of rabies vaccine. [See: California Compendium of Rabies Control and Prevention 2012, Part I.B.4.d]
- California only recognizes the 3-Year labeled rabies vaccine for dogs. (1-Year labeled rabies vaccine may be administered to cats).
- An overdue dog “should be vaccinated as soon as possible and the three-year booster schedule re-established.” [California Compendium of Rabies Control and Prevention, 2012, Part I.B.4.d]
- No. Within the United States, a rabies antibody titer is NOT recognized as an index of immunity (or protection) in lieu of vaccination. NOTE: A “positive” rabies titer from a certified laboratory only means that the animal (at the time of travel) has been “adequately vaccinated” against rabies and meets the rabies vaccination requirement of that country/region at the time of importation. For a current list of importation requirements by country see: or Search: APHIS Pet Travel
- The California Code of Regulations (CCR), states quarantine regulations for an animal that has been bitten by or has been in intimate contact with a rabid or suspected rabid animal. [Title 17, CCR, §2606(c)] The California Rabies Compendium states, “Any animal bitten by, scratched by, or having direct contact with a wild mammal (especially bats and skunks) that is not available for rabies testing should be regarded as having been exposed to rabies.” [California Compendium of Rabies Control and Prevention 2012, Part I.B.3]
- A currently vaccinated dog or cat “may be revaccinated immediately (within 48 hours)” and “quarantined in a place and manner approved by the local health officer for a period of 30 days following revaccination.” For dogs, currently vaccinated means being vaccinated for rabies (with a 3-Year labeled vaccine) within the past 36 months, but not less than 30 days, with a USDA licensed rabies vaccine approved by the California Department of Health. For cats, currently vaccinated means (a) vaccinated within 1 year, but not less than 30 days, with a 1-Year labeled feline rabies vaccine, or (b) vaccinated within 36 months, but not less than 30 days, with a 3-Year labeled rabies vaccine licensed by the USDA for use in cats.
[Title 17, CCR, §2606(c)]
- Ferrets are not addressed in legislative documents, but directives are given in the California Compendium of Rabies Control and Prevention, 2012. It states that a currently vaccinated ferret, like dogs and cats, should be revaccinated immediately and placed in “strict isolation” for 30 days. However, the isolation of ferrets must be done at an animal control shelter or veterinary hospital. At the end of the isolation period, they “must be reported to the California Department of Fish and Game for disposition.” [California Compendium of Rabies Control and Prevention 2012, Part I.B.3(a)]
- NOTE: The California Compendiumof Rabies Control and Prevention, 2012 states “’strict Isolation’ must preclude contact between the isolated animal and other animals and the public. Any other dogs, cats, or ferrets for which contact with the bitten animal cannot be absolutely prevented during the isolation period should be held to the same restrictions for the entire isolation period.” [California Compendium of Rabies Control and Prevention 2012, Part I.B.3(a)]
- Three variations must be considered in determining management of the exposed animal.
- Unvaccinated (ie, has NEVER been vaccinated against rabies):
- Any unvaccinated animal that is exposed to a rabid or suspected rabid animal is to be either (a) euthanized; (b) quarantined in a place and manner approved by the local health officer for 6 months. [Title 17, CCR, §2606(c)]
- The California Compendium of Rabies Control and Prevention, 2012 adds that unvaccinated dogs, cats or ferrets should be immediately vaccinated at the time of the “strict isolation for six months.” The Compendium also states that euthanasia is “strongly recommended” for juvenile animals due to higher susceptibility to rabies infection.” [California Compendium of Rabies Control and Prevention 2012, Part I.B.3(a)]
- The animal causing a bite injury to a person is required to be quarantined for 10 DAYS. This requirement is the same whether the biting animal is currently vaccinated or is not vaccinated. (NOTE: THE LOCATION IN WHICH THE ANIMAL IS QUARANTINED MAY BE DETERMINED BY LOCAL RABIES CONTROL AUTHORITIES). DO NOT VACCINATE the animal prior to beginning the 10-day confinement. Rabies or other vaccines should NOT be administered to the dog, cat or ferret during isolation. “If the bite is judged by the local health officer to be unusual or to represent an increased risk for rabies (e.g., unprovoked attacks, bites to the face, or considerable deep tissue damage), the animal should be euthanized and tested immediately.” [California Compendium of Rabies Control and Prevention 2012, Part I.B.2(a)] Any animal that bites or otherwise potentially exposes a human to rabies shall either:
- be “isolated in strict confinement” in a place and manner approved by the local health officer and observed for 10 days after the day of the bite or exposure; or,
- shall be euthanized and tested for rabies. [Title 17, CCR, §2606(b)(2)]
- there is no evidence that the guide dog was exposed to rabies, it is kept confined on the premises of the owner, and kept available for examination; and
- the bite of police dogs was done while on duty and the dog is kept available for examination. [California Health and Safety Code, 121680 (Guide dogs); and 121685 (law enforcement dogs)]
- The animal causing a bite injury to a person is required to be quarantined for 10 DAYS. This requirement is the same whether the biting animal is currently vaccinated or is not vaccinated. (NOTE: THE LOCATION IN WHICH THE ANIMAL IS QUARANTINED MAY BE DETERMINED BY LOCAL RABIES CONTROL AUTHORITIES). DO NOT VACCINATE the animal prior to beginning the 10-day confinement. Rabies or other vaccines should NOT be administered to the dog, cat or ferret during isolation. “If the bite is judged by the local health officer to be unusual or to represent an increased risk for rabies (e.g., unprovoked attacks, bites to the face, or considerable deep tissue damage), the animal should be euthanized and tested immediately.” [California Compendium of Rabies Control and Prevention 2012, Part I.B.2(a)] Any animal that bites or otherwise potentially exposes a human to rabies shall either:
- be “isolated in strict confinement” in a place and manner approved by the local health officer and observed for 10 days after the day of the bite or exposure; or,
- shall be euthanized and tested for rabies. [Title 17, CCR, §2606(b)(2)]
- there is no evidence that the guide dog was exposed to rabies, it is kept confined on the premises of the owner, and kept available for examination; and
- the bite of police dogs was done while on duty and the dog is kept available for examination. [California Health and Safety Code, 121680 (Guide dogs); and 121685 (law enforcement dogs)]
- YES. On an annual basis, a veterinarian may submit a request for an exemption to the local health officer. The veterinarian must be able to verify and document that a vaccination would endanger the dog’s life or other considerations. The veterinarian shall also submit a signed statement by the dog’s owner affirming that he/she understands the consequences and liability associated with the dog not being vaccinated. A dog that is given an exemption shall be considered unvaccinated. [California Health and Safety Code, 121690(b)(1-4)] “A dog that is exempt from the vaccination requirements of this section shall, at the discretion of the local health officer or the officer’s designee, be confined to the premises of the owner, keeper, or harborer and, when off the premises, shall be on a leash the length of which shall not exceed six feet and shall be under the direct physical control of an adult. A dog that is exempt from the provisions of this section shall not have contact with a dog or cat that is not currently vaccinated against rabies.” [California Health and Safety Code, 121690(b)(5)]
- Within states that require rabies vaccine be administered, re-vaccination is required throughout life at the appropriate interval for the species indicated by State or local laws/regulations. Exemption is not authorized on the basis of age alone.
- Vaccination of dog or cat hybrids is considered off-label but is not prohibited in California. However, even if a rabies vaccine has been administered, these animals are still considered “unvaccinated” and treated as “wild animals” when managing bite injury or possible rabies exposure. If they are potentially exposed to rabies, they should be euthanized. If they bite a person, euthanasia is recommended but local health officials have the prerogative to have the animal isolated for 30 days. [California Compendium of Rabies Control and Prevention, 2012, Part I.B.4(h)]
- The Compendium of Animal Rabies Prevention and Control is published by the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians, Inc. Recommendations outlined in the latest version of the Compendium serve as a basis for animal rabies prevention and control programs throughout the United States and facilitate standardization of procedures among jurisdictions. As published, the Compendium is not a statutory document. NOTE: many (but not all) States have recently revised rabies laws/regulations by citing designated recommendations outlined in the latest version of the Compendium. Where cited in law, published recommendations do serve as the legal basis for patient management decisions made in practice as they concern rabies and rabies vaccination. Compendium recommendations, if included as legal requirements for this state, are reflected in the FAQs listed within this section.