Preparing Teaching Materials

Many institutions will ask you to send them a teaching statement, sometimes called a “statement of teaching philosophy.” They may also ask you to send “evidence of teaching excellence.” You may be asked to send materials like these as part of your initial application, or an institution may request these as your application moves forward. It can sometimes be difficult to sort out exactly what search committees are looking for. Below are a few tips for preparing your materials and deciding what to submit.

Writing a Teaching Statement

Though your teaching statement does not necessarily need to be tailored to each institution, you may find that there are different examples you may want to include or different courses you’d like to highlight as you apply to different types of institutions.

Assembling a Teaching Portfolio

What is “evidence of teaching excellence?” Often, the most effective way to provide this for search committees is to be sure that one of your recommenders has seen you teach and can address this in his or her letter. This direct testimony can provide some of the strongest evidence for your teaching skills.

In addition to your teaching statement, syllabi from courses you’ve taught, sample student activities, and student evaluations can also be used to demonstrate teaching excellence. These materials make up what is called your “teaching portfolio.” These are materials that you probably will not send to a search committee unless specifically asked. Keep in mind that search committees already have a lot to read. If, however, a search committee asks for “evidence of teaching excellence” without specifying what they would like to see, you might pick one or two items from this category and send them along with the rest of your dossier.

Additional Resources

Sample Teaching Statements


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