The Best DnD Character Sheets – Custom, Online, Printable + Fillable!

Want a more exciting DnD character sheet to spruce up your game? Looking for a sheet specifically designed for your class, one to introduce kids to D&D, or perhaps you’re a DM who wants a stash of multi-functional DnD character sheets to share with your group. Whether seeking substance or style, you came to the right place.

With any of the custom, editable, and printable DnD character sheets in this list, you’ll be the most stylish adventurer at the inn.

Official DnD Character Sheet PDF

D&D 5e Character Sheet from Wizards of the Coast

official dnd 5e character sheet from wotc

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Why mess with the classic? The official, WotC D&D character sheets found in the Players Handbook have all you need in a relatively clean package. Basic stats, spellcasting sheets, and background/campaign notes – yay!

However, the myriad of organized boxes and sections will fill up fast as you gain class features and loot interesting doo-dads. If you like to see everything at a glance, consider a supplementary notebook for equipment, features, and spell descriptions.

And maybe the best thing about these blank character sheets is that you can fill in your info without a PDF editor right in your web browser! You can save and edit whenever you want, no pen needed.

If you want the official D&D character sheet on paper but don’t have a printer, you can buy several character sheets in this swanky illustrated D&D folder from Amazon to stop them from getting dog-eared! Inside, there’s a handy rules reference guide for new players including what you can do on your turn!

Printable Custom DnD Character Sheets

Watercolor Custom Character sheets by AzureandCopper

wanderlust character sheet by azureandcopper

boneyard character sheet by azureandcopper

otherwordly dnd 5e character sheet by azure and copper

Looking for something elegant and unique to bring to the gaming table? AzureandCopper’s Etsy shop is full of inexpensive and impeccably designed 5e character sheets in a chic watercolor scheme. The fey frippery and over-the-top aubergine themes are everything we want in a cute character sheet: charming illustration, beautiful colors, and all the necessary 5th edition info neatly displayed.

They have everything you need, including spell sheets and background notes. And there are a ton more custom looks to choose from!

Cyber Punk D&D Character Sheet by William Lu

dnd 5e hex charzcter sheet on legendary pants

This next custom character sheet won’t look amiss in an Eberron or science fiction campaign. It’s simple, blocky, and very easy to read while also oozing cyber punk style.

The PDF format means it is fillable so you can keep the clean look. All it includes is the top basic character sheet, but you can always keep the rest of your notes in a similar styling notebook.

5e But Cute Character Sheets

5e but cute D&D character sheet from briarlantern

warlock 5e but cute D&D character sheet

Pink? Check. Kawaii dragons and bows? Check. The real D&D info you need to play? Check! This frilly, sweet D&D character sheet ticks all the boxes.

BriarLantern even includes one class specific sheet for Warlocks – AKA bishoujo senshi! Dark, ritual magics have never been cuter.

You can get regular and high-res PDF versions of the basic, cute-ified sheet as well as spell and background sheets. Available in black ink or whimsical pink if you have some extra printer ink.

Super Duper Art Cute Character Sheet

Super Duper Art Cute DnD Character Sheet on Etsy

Where to find it: Super Duper Art Character Sheet on Etsy
Format: PDF
Cost: $1.19

This cartoon style cute character sheet sets a fun tone for your character! The little emojis, jaunty dice and chinks in the sword are cheeky little details that give it an air of fun.

If you play a caster, then you may appreciate the casting ability, spell attack bonus, and spell save dc all being on the front page!

Mythbound Illustrated Character Sheets

city of the dead character sheet by mythboundUK

forest glade character sheet by mythboundUK

Where to find it: MythboundUK on Etsy
Format: PDF
Cost: $3.75 each

Some of our favorite printable custom DnD character sheets come from Matt over at Mythbound. They’re functional, have plenty of room for spells and features, and just so pretty. If you’re the type who enjoys keeping your hands busy while you think, you can also color in all the sweet little details during play!

Each themed sheet comes with the basic character sheet as well as notes and backstory, spellcasting (78 spells), and pact magic (38 spells) pages. And, since it’s a PDF download, you can either fill in your info on the computer or hand write it after printing.

Pretty plants and spoopy skulls are just a couple of the adorable themes available!

Gothic Vibes Character Sheet by Gothic Domain

Gothic Vibes D&D Character Sheet by Gothic Domain on Etsy

Perhaps your character is into the dark arts, your DM has let you play a vampire, or you just love the gothic vibe. Whatever your excuse to grab this gothic character sheet from Gothic Domain, you’ll love using it!

The level of detail in the illustrations is absolutely stunning! It’s perfect for characters adventuring in Castle Ravenloft!

Nature Magic Character Sheet by KoumoriMori

Available with a lush green watercolor effect or in greyscale, this nature magic character sheet is dripping with style and flair. The quality of the illustrations is phenomenal! There are several other sheets created by the same talented creator all with the same level of detail.

Fate’s Hands Character Sheet

Every inch of this stunning character sheet has been hand drawn! Hands are notoriously difficult to draw well and these look amazing! Kudos to the artist! The puppet master feel of this sheet is perfect for feeling like the master of your character’s destiny or role-playing an all powerful character!

The same artist has more custom character sheets available. I especially like the one for the druid which looks more like a page from an old flaura and fauna book than a character sheet. It’s amazing!

Class Specific Sheets

You’ve got the shiny new dice set that matches your character, you’ve sorted your character illustration, and even a Hero Forge mini. With all that custom kit for your new adventurer, all that’s needed is a class specific sheet!

Class Character Sheets – the Bundle

sorcerer class character sheet dungeon masters guild

cook class character sheet dungeon masters guild

Where to find it: Class Character Sheets – the Bundle on Dungeon Masters Guild
Format: PDF
Cost: Pay what you want, suggested price of $4.95

This massive set of class-based character sheets by Emmet Byrne is perfect for keeping track of all the intricacies of D&D. Each class is available separately for single players, or get the whole shebang if you’re a Game Master who wants to share endless options with players.

The bundle is packed with class-specific features, extra spell pages, background and trait sections, and detailed breakdowns of ability score uses. Are you playing a class with an animal companion or polymorph ability? There are also dedicated familiar, Beast Master, and wildshape sheets for Druids. Brilliant!

Super bonus points for being exhaustive enough to include Unearthed Arcana, Eberron, and even a number of celebrity DM options.

Caster Character Sheet Starry Night

Starry Night DnD Caster Character Sheet by Kindred Kenku on Etsy

Where to find it: Kindred Kenku on Etsy
Format: PDF
Cost: $5.10

Get spellbound with this sparkling caster character sheet from Kindred Kenku on Etsy. It’s perfect for any warlock, wizard, circle of the night druid, or any other caster you want to play.

The spell slots tracker on the first page is genius and saves you from flicking back and forth to the spells page. Speaking of which, the spells page is really well laid out on this sheet with clear boxes for cantrips, spell levels, and a little reminder panel for number of spells to prepare for the day. The inventory and notes pages are just as stunning as the first page!

Custom Illustrated Character Sheets

catfolk monk character sheet by dark elf dice

elf fighter character sheet by dark elf dice

Dark Elf Dice brings us a collection of character illustrated sheets that will wow your party. Although there are only ten options that are class AND race specific, if your character fits one of these builds you’ll be rewarded with a lush and functional character sheet!

Unfortunately, there are no matching backstory or spell sheets. But look at those awesome centerpieces!

Dyslexia Friendly Character Sheets

Axelle’s Character Sheets for Dyslexic People


Of course, with all those lists of equipment, magic, and skills you’ve got to be able to read your character sheet without difficulty. Enter Axelle’s dyslexia friendly D&D character sheets.

Not only does the Comic Sans font make it easier to read, but the color coding adds even more reference points for finding info quickly. Perfect for folks with dyslexia, or who struggle with reading small print. Axelle also has these sheets available in Italian and German. Wunderbar!

DnD Dyslexia Illustrated Character Sheet By Francita designs

Dyslexia and Children Friendly Character Sheet by Francita Designs on Etsy

Where to find it: Francita Designs on Etsy
Format: PDF and Form Fillable
Cost: $3.00

This colorful character sheet is full of illustrations! They are the perfect reminder of what the boxes are for – great for new and experienced players alike.

The sheet uses a dyslexic-friendly font for readability and the clean layout and spaces between all the boxes help keep things organized and prevent information overload. The design has such a friendly and cheerful vibe, that it’s a wonderful reminder that D&D is all about having fun!

Simple DnD Character Sheets

5e Excel Character Sheet

5e Excel Character Sheet by David Zajac on Dungeon Master Guild

Never mess up your math again with this excel D&D 5e character spreadsheet from Dave Zajac! Simply fill in the numbers and it automatically calculates ability modifiers, passive Perception, saving throws, and skill bonuses.

It’s concise and no frills, which means it is both easier to read and a bit lacking for class features, spells, and the like. A great option for DMs and experienced players who want to reduce the time spent endlessly copying numbers down during character creation.

Color Coded Character Sheet

color block character sheet on dungeon masters guild

Where to find it: Color Block Character Sheet – Form Fillable on Dungeon Masters Guild
Format: PDF
Cost: Pay what you want, suggested price $0.50

Rebecca Ramsey over on DMs Guild has the answer to a very Dungeon Master specific problem: how to point out a section on your player’s character sheet from across the room! Though it is mostly the bare minimum, with little room for traits/feats/etc, it does include a spell sheet (in mystic, purple ink).

The helpful colored blocks will use a little more printer ink. But it also means you won’t have to stop petting the baby drago- I mean cat! – just to show the Ranger where her Perception bonus is located. Purrfect!

Character Sheets for Children

Emmet Byrne’s Kid Friendly Character Sheet

emmet byrne

This color coded sheet is perfect for kids and newbs alike!

Emmet skillfully simplifies everything, reducing the amount of numbers and words on the first page, while also providing additional details to particularly complex rules like skills. The page is also turned lengthwise, meaning there’s even more room to write.

The format is fillable and includes an inventory and spell sheet.

Sage Advice’s Kid-Friendly D&D Character Sheet

kid-friendly character sheet from D&D Sage Advice

closeup kid sheet by D&D sage advice

Over at D&D Sage Advice, you’ll find a DnD character sheet for children that aims to simplify all the features, while also teaching kids how to play the game.

The focus is on what players can do, not the numbers! Sections like “I need to heal!” and “I want to try something!” walk you through common actions. Hit points and saving throws are explained. And there’s even an illustrated dice reference at the top to answer that common question “uh, which one is that?” Very cool.

However, there is quite a bit of text and very young kids may have trouble.

Dungeons and Dragons for Kids Character Sheet

dungeons and dragons for kids sheet the underfold comics

sample D&D kids character sheet from the underfold comics

Folks seeking an ultra simplified kids D&D character sheet may appreciate this article about how to run a children’s game and the accompanying downloadable PDF.

The sheet is only: character name, description, ability stats, and three illustrated boxes for gear. Its concise format leaves little room for confusion and is a good intro for very young kids who may not yet have strong reading skills.

Advanced DnD Character Sheets

AD&D 2nd Edition Character Sheet

ad&d 2nd edition character sheet

For all those OG PCs, here’s a 2nd edition or Advanced D&D character sheet. Simple and functional. It has what you need without frills, including a gear and treasure sheet.

Thankfully, this sheet comes as a PDF so that you can keep that clean look… or scribble all over it!

Online DnD Character Sheets Fillable and Editable

DnD Beyond Online Character Sheet

D&D Beyond Character Sheet Online

Where to find it: D&D Beyond Character Builder Tool
Format: Website and app
Cost: Free

One of our favorite online D&D character sheets is DnD Beyond. Not only does it save your character, it’s also interactive. You can use it to build, edit, and print. The site and app are easy to use too, which makes managing all the complex numbers and features a joy instead of a headache.

D&D Beyond is loaded with features, but most of them are available for free with an account.

Furthermore, any character sheet in PDF or spreadsheet format is capable of being edited or filled in. PDF editors like Adobe or DocFly will work for most of the character sheets in this list, and Excel or Google Sheets can be used for spreadsheets. No more puzzling through terrible handwriting. Huzzah!

Flapkan Editable Character Sheet

Flapkan Editable Character Sheet

Where to find it: Flapkan Character Sheet
Format: Adobe Reader PDF
Cost: Pay what you want

Originally created in 2014 and built by a D&D player for D&D players, Flapkan’s Adobe Reader based PDF character sheet is a wonderful thing!

It has a cool design and you can change the color to suit your character, it also works like a charm on desktop on Windows and MacOS (but doesn’t work on mobile Android or iOS). It’s perfect if you’re playing online at your desk with your fellow adventurers or if you want to print it out and play around the tabletop in person!

It includes a character sheet you can use for familiars, companions, mounts, and cohorts. There are other additional sheets for spells, magic items, adventure log, wild shape, rules reference, background, and notes!

The automation on this sheet is amazing and saves you from copying out all your abilities, feats, spells etc by hand!

Dicecloud Online Fillable Character Sheet

Where to find it:
Format: Online webapp
Cost: Free with optional Patreon

The Dicecloud online fillable character sheet takes a different approach to the others in our list and uses tabs to separate the different sections. Keeps the display nice and clean especially helpful if you’re using your phone’s screen!

The Dicecloud character sheet is fillable rather than automated, so you’ll type out and enter the abilities, spells, race effects etc yourself and it’ll apply the modifiers in the right places. Because of this, it’s the ideal character sheet for homebrew characters!

DnD Character Sheet Generators

Hero Lab D&D 5e SRD

Hero Lab D&D character builder example

Hero Lab D&D character builder example

Building a character from scratch on pen and paper can be laborious, even for seasoned players. Lone Wolf’s Hero Lab is a fully automated character building software that streamlines the process.

Hero Lab is a workhorse! It has an intuitive layout that walks you through every step: alerts you when you’ve missed something, sorts through all options available to you based on your choices, and allows for custom additions and rules. And at any point you can print your sheet.

Major props to Lone Wolf for also making Hero Lab versions for Pathfinder, Savage Worlds, Call of Cthulhu, and even more awesome tabletop RPGs!

Levi Blodgett DND Character Generator

levi blodgett D&D random character generator example

levi blodgett D&D random character generator example

Or, perhaps you’re searching for a random character generator to make a fully mathed out PC in a snap. The Levi Blodgett DND Character Generator on Github has what you need.

This magical machine doesn’t just supply the numbers either: ability scores, languages, spells, items, weapon damage, traits – it does it all! There’s a logical mode, where options stick to cohesive archetypes and stats, but also a completely random version as well. Pretty neat!

Though this generator is only for level 1 characters, it does let you save the sheet as a PDF so you can edit it and keep leveling your new creation up.

Randomized characters can be a boon to DMs, as well as cut out the building time sink for players when you all just want to jump right into a pickup game. Because less homework means more role-playing fun!

Before you go… DnD Character Sheets

Want to bedazzle your barbarian? Add some pizazz to your character? From ornate and adorable, to kid-friendly, to highly organized and functional – we hope you found the best D&D character sheet for your character!

For even more custom equipment for your character, see our favorite Epic D&D Gaming Accessories for Players! And for help figuring out your Ability Scores for them, see our full guide!

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