I need assistance with a pretty lengthy survey I'm creating. I am finding it difficult to find answers on the question/help and in the forums largely because I don't know what the right questions to ask are.
I would like to create a survey where the end-uese fills it in and emails it to me. I would like to take the xml file received via email and import the results into an excel spreadsheet, one line per each survey result.
The biggest problem is that I know enough to get myself into trouble but not enough to get myself out of it and any and all assistance would be appreciated.
If you save the xml files in a folder and then make a VBA app in Excel, then you can import the files.
If you have Adobe Acrobat, you can create a spreadsheet from form data:
1. Choose File > Form Data > Create Spreadsheet From Data Files.
2. Click Add Files, select one or more files that have a file name extension of .xml, .fdf, .pdf, or .xfdf, and then click Select. (Repeat this step if you want to add more files to the list.)
3. If you want to remove a file from the list, select the file and click Remove Files.
5. Select a location on your computer to save the spreadsheet, and then click Save. The Create Spreadsheet dialog box displays Done! when Acrobat has created the spreadsheet.
If you want to open the spreadsheet file in your default application, click View File Now; otherwise, click Close Dialog.