How long to keep pta records

It is very important that certain records be retained. Listed below are items that should be reviewed on a periodic basis.

(A notebook or file box would be good for keeping safe preferably in safe place in the school)
 Articles of Incorporation
 Annual Audit Reports
 Bylaws, include amendments
 Checks for important payments (filed with papers pertaining to the transaction)
 Contracts & leases (expired and current)
 Corporation reports filed with the Secretary of State
 Correspondence (legal)
 Equipment owned by PTA
 Insurance records, accident reports, claims, policies,
 Certificates
 Invoices
 Journals
 Minute books
 PTA Charter
 Standing Rules (current)
 Tax-exempt status documents
 Trademark registrations

10 Years:
 Financial Statements
 Grant Award letters of agreement


• Accounts payable records
• Bank statements
Cash receipt records
• Checks, canceled
• Contracts (expired)
• Inventories
• Invoices
• Financial statements (10 years)
• Grant award letters of agreement (10 years)
• Purchase orders
• Sales records
• Vouchers for payments to vendors, officers, etc.

1 – 3 YEARS:

Bank reconciliations (1 yr)
Correspondence with vendors (1 yr) , general (3 yr)
Duplicate deposit slips (1 yr)
Employee records (if applicable) (3yr)
Petty cash vouchers ((3 yrs)

from the National PTA Money Matters Quick Reference Guide