Chicago/Turabian Citation


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Basic Article Citation


Author First M. Last Name, "Article Title," Journal Title Issue, number (date): page cited, doi or URL (if online).

Short version:
Author Last Name, "Article Title (shortened if necessary)," page cited.


Author Last Name, First M. "Article Title." Journal Title Issue, number (date): page range. doi or URL (if online).

Note: if using a URL, write "Retrieved from" before it.

Example Scholarly Journal Article in Print


Patrick Wolfe, "Land, Labor, and Difference: Elementary Structures of Race," American Historical Review 106, no. 3 (2001): 890.

Short version:
Wolfe, "Land, Labor, and Difference," 890.


Wolfe, Patrick. "Land, Labor, and Difference: Elementary Structures of Race." American Historical Review 106, no. 3 (2001): 866-905.

Example Scholarly Journal Article Online


James Naylor, "Socialism for a New Generation: CCF Youth in the Popular Front Era," Canadian Historical Review 94, no. 1 (2013): 62. doi: 10.3138/chr.1164.

Short version:
Naylor, "Socialism for a New Generation," 62.


Naylor, James. "Socialism for a New Generation: CCF Youth in the Popular Front Era." Canadian Historical Review 94, no. 1 (2013) : 55-79 . doi: 10.3138/chr.1164.

Example Magazine or Newspaper Article in Print

Magazine and newspaper articles usually do not include volume and issue information and instead emphasize the date.


Lerone Bennett Jr., "Why Black History is Important to You," Ebony, February 1982, 62.

Short version:
Bennett Jr., "Why Black History is Important to You," 62.


Bennett Jr., Lerone. "Why Black History is Important to You." Ebony. February1982, 61-66.

Example Magazine or Newspaper Article Online


Andrew Curry, "The Mummy Diaries," Discovery, July 2008, 65. Retrieved from direct=true&db=a9h&AN=32580475&site=ehost-live

Short version:
Curry, "The Mummy Diaries," 65.