Jerrick Leger is a CompTIA-certified IT Specialist with more than 10 years' experience in technical support and IT fields. He is also a systems administrator for an IT firm in Texas serving small businesses.
In This Article In This ArticleWhen your Dell laptop won't turn on or fails to boot up, it could be a hardware problem or a software issue. Whichever you're experiencing, here's how to get your Dell PC in working order again.
Possible reasons why your Dell laptop won't turn on include:
If your laptop won't turn on when it's plugged in, then the problem lies with your battery or some other internal hardware. If your PC stalls during startup, you likely have a software issue.
Here are some steps for troubleshooting a Dell that won't turn on, from the most straightforward and apparent to the more advanced fixes:
It could be an issue with the power brick or the battery. Try a different power brick if possible, and try replacing the battery if that doesn't work. Most newer laptops won't let you remove the battery, though, so your best bet might be contacting your laptop manufacturer's customer support.
How do you get files from a laptop that won't turn on?If your computer still works but can't boot into Windows, try using a USB drive to start it up and gain access to your hard drive. You can then transfer the files. You can also try physically removing the hard drive from the laptop and connecting it to another PC.
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