Telecom Billing System Guide

In today’s fast-paced world, communication is the indispensable thread that connects businesses, communities, and individuals together. In this vital role, telecom companies continually strive to offer innovative services and improve the customer experience. They must find a way to manage highly complex billing processes with vast amounts of data and contracts during every billing cycle. One crucial way that empowers companies to elevate the customer experience, streamline operations, and efficiently manage revenue is a telecom billing system powered by advanced product engineering solutions.

This guide discusses the definition, working principles, structure, and benefits of telecom billing systems.

What is a telecom billing system?

A telecom billing system is a comprehensive software solution that manages the processes, data, and contractual elements required to generate customer invoices and revenue for telecommunications services. These vital systems typically span financial, information, and operations or service management. They can also include fraud management, profitability management, and revenue assurance solutions.

In terms of financial management, telecom billing systems:

In terms of information management, the software typically integrates with a customer relationship management (CRM) solution to oversee:

In regards to operations, a telecom billing system:

How do telecom billing systems work?

Telecom billing systems are intricate, sophisticated platforms integrating various elements to provide essential functionalities. The platforms collect data from many network elements, such as switches, routers, and data servers. It also stores customer details, service subscriptions, and billing preferences.
One key component is an Online Charging System (OCS) that adds a charge for every transaction in real time. When a device interacts with the telecommunications system, a Call Data Record is generated that registers and details the interaction based on the type of interaction. For example, if it is a call, the minutes are logged. If it is a data interaction, the data usage is noted.

The system uses a rating engine to determine the cost of services and generate invoices, which are then sent to customers through various channels. The billing system manages payments through the customers’ preferred payment methods. It also records payment statuses and sends reminders for overdue payments. Customers access and manage their accounts, submit payments and get support through customer self-service portals. Telecom providers access in-depth reporting and analytics to gain insights into customer behavior, revenue trends, and performance metrics.

Bill Cycles in Telecom Billing

There are three main cycle billing options:

  1. Prepaid Billing - In prepayment billing cycles, payment is arranged in advance, and the customer is charged in real-time based on usage. The customer receives a statement of charges at predetermined intervals such as weekly, biweekly, or monthly.
  2. Postpaid Billing - Postpaid billing is the most common billing cycle. Customers use the telecommunication services and then are billed based on usage during a specified period. At the end of each cycle, an invoice is generated and sent to the customer. The customer then makes a payment in their method of choosing, online, over the phone, or by mail. Billing cycles are usually 30, 45, 60, or 90 days.
  3. Convergent Billing - Convergent billing is a distinct approach that can facilitate prepaid or postpaid bill timelines. It is notable because of its structure - it combines all services into one invoice, unlike most traditional prepaid and postpaid systems that keep services in their billing siloes. Convergent billing requires a unified billing structure and is thus the most complex of the three primary billing cycles, mainly when customers use multiple services or have custom contracts.

Benefits of Telecom Billing Systems

Encora’s Telecom Billing Systems

Encora’s advanced telecom billing platforms streamline billing processes with cutting-edge platforms that ensure accuracy, transparency, and efficient revenue management. We are deeply expert in the various disciplines, tools, and technologies that power the emerging economy, and this is one of the primary reasons that clients choose Encora over the many strategic alternatives that they have.

To upgrade to an advanced telecom billing system, contact Encora.

About Encora

Encora accelerates enterprise modernization and innovation through award-winning digital engineering across cloud, data, AI, and other strategic technologies. With robust nearshore and India-based capabilities, we help industry leaders and digital natives capture value through technology, human-centric design, and agile delivery.