D&D 5e Aquatic Campaign – Monster & Hero Race Options

I run a weekly game D&D 5e game in a seafaring setting called Vodari. For this week’s Nautical Nonsense column I wanted to gather up all the aquatic monster races and hero races in one handy list that I draw on for my campaign. My groups spends most of their time above the surface of the sea, but there is plenty of fun to be had down below too (and we’ll get there soon). If you are looking to run some aquatic fun, hopefully these notes will be helpful.

Aquatic Monster Races

Back in October I wrote an article on 10 Awesome Monsters for a D&D 5e Aquatic Encounter that appear in the D&D 5e Monster Manual. These monsters include everything from Kuo-Toa to the mighty Kraken and ideas on how to use them. The entries in the Monster Manual for some of the monsters are so detailed that you can build a session or mini campaign around just a set of them like the Koa-Toa and Sahuagin.

If you are looking for some aquatic humanoid races to deploy as PC killing monsters, you might want to check out this list below.

In a future article, we’ll look at all the aquatic monsters out there.

Aquatic Hero Classes & Races


Rich Howard (one of our authors) has created some D&D 5th edition class builds on his personal blog. I have also included some quick ways to get an aquatic flavor right out of the Player’s Handbook for classes Rich has not covered. Don’t forget about the Sailor background.